
Istanbul to Sogut | Ertugrul ghazi tomb | Travel Guide

Söğüt  is famous as being the town from which the   Ottoman Empire   originated. Agriculture and maritime were at the forefront in the past of Söğüt, which is the main source of livelihood today. It was also used as a trading port due to its proximity to the Greek islands. Throughout history, it has given importance to education and teachers, doctors and lawyers of the region have left this village. Some of the people, mostly of Turkmen origin, came from the Balkans and settled. The tourism movement is not very intense, since the village is located at the point of the Bozburun peninsula for those who want to reach by road. But it is an important port for blue cruise boats. After the death of Ertuğrul Gazi, father of the founder of the Ottoman Empire,  named "Osman Empire", his tomb became a spiritual destination for Karakeçili, a district of Kırıkkale province in central Anatolia. The tomb is visited by many people and different annual festivities are also held there.   The c

Rape Incident, Lahore Motor way

Hoorific gang-rape took place on 9th sptember 2020. The news told that on the night of Wednesday, 9th September 2020 a woman was driving her car but unfortunately car ran out of fuel. She was alone on road with her children in car. The attackers took the woman and her children to a forested area nearby and gang-raped her. The country boiled with anger as the details of the gang-rape emerged the news on Thursday. While the Punjab government arrested 12 men suspected of involvement in gang-rape of a woman on the Lahore-Sialkot motorway a day earlier, Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Umar Sheikh questioned the choices of the victim, saying the woman should have taken a less deserted route and checked her petrol level before embarking on the journey. The culprits must be given punishment as mentioned in quran to cut their one side leg and one side hand. They must be hanged in front of public if schoolers believe it's applicable in this case in Islam. #rapist #hang #hangtherap